Showing 381-400 of 44,637 items.
NameDescriptionCreatedView Count
WoD Mats11/07/2014524
Timeless Leather Gear11/07/2014468
Timeless Cloth Gear11/07/2014487
Timeless Mail Gear11/07/2014499
Timeless Plate Gear11/07/2014586
Engineering1 - 600 engineering11/07/2014486
Snatch List11/07/2014505
Transmog items list11/07/2014511
No longer ingame11/07/2014499
Recipy snatch list11/07/2014499
WoD GlyphsGlyphs that require Warbringer's Ink11/08/2014455
WoD FlasksRegular WoD flasks that will be used to create greater...11/08/2014383
WoD Greater FlasksThe WoD flasks that will be primarily used for raid...11/08/2014389
WoD Sorcerous ElementsWoD answer to primal and volatile elements, generated by crafting...11/08/2014393
WoD Inscription TrinketsThe DMF trinkets that Scribes will craft in WoD.11/08/2014425
WoD Iron DeckAce through Eight of the WoD Iron Deck.11/08/2014425
WoD Moon DeckAce through Eight of the WoD Moon Deck.11/08/2014410
WoD Visions DeckAce through Eight of the WoD Visions Deck.11/08/2014373
WoD War DeckAce through Eight of the WoD War Deck.11/08/2014436